Bitcoin DCA Calculator

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What is Dollar Cost Averaging Bitcoin?

Bitcoin dollar cost averaging consists of investing a fixed amount of USD into BTC at regular time intervals. You'll often see it referenced by its abbreviation of "DCA".

Investing in Bitcoin with no DCA (Example)

It’s January 1st, 2018, and John decides to purchase $5,000 worth of Bitcoin today. The Bitcoin price at the time was $13,800 per coin, which means that John now owns 0.362 BTC.

Investing in Bitcoin using DCA (Example)

It’s January 1st, 2018, and Alice decides she wants to purchase $5,000 worth of Bitcoin. However, instead of buying the entire amount today, she decides to purchase $500 every month, for 10 months. 10 months later, Alice owns 0.61 BTC. That’s almost twice as much as John, even though both invested the same amount.